Thin pliable walls stretched to the limit,
No vapour, or ether-
Not even a thought holding it all together
There at the end of a string,
Tethered to the edge of space-
Not quite free, but somehow dislodged-
able to drift
Quite contained in its own small space.
Writers Undercover, The Cambridge Writers Collective: 2004
Evolution (and a block)
Seared heart
Splintered prayer
Broken vows
And shattered dreams
All other thought escaped
Through rents in pain.
No shouts
No wails
No whispers
Mark this passing
Just a shuddering sigh.
Complete emptiness
Fills the space where
"What to do next?"
Is written.
Overwhelming despair
Makes me stumble
At the doorstop
Unlocking The Muse, A Canadian Anthology of Verse: 2004 and Verse Afire, The Ontario Poetry Society: 2006